Enhancing Sound, Music, and Movement Computing with Differentiable DSP


Impact of Differentiable Digital Signal Processing (DDSP) on the recent work at the Multisensory Experience Lab Hints: We can deploy DDSP-based real-time plugins fast because

  1. we started the work about 25 years ago :-)
  2. we are implementing the principles of MLOPs.

Do these, and the future will be yours :-)

In the Multisensory Experience Lab, we traditionally rely on physics-based audio and haptic models for multisensory processing. Currently we focus on physics-based deep learning and differentiable DSP for constructing real-time models or estimating the model parameters. More recently we realized the importance of 🚀 Putting these ML models in Production as real-time plugins. The talk compares this approach to what was used two decades ago with shallow-learning models, self-recoreded or synthetic data, and self-written code and frameworks-

Watch the talk @Youtube