About me

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  • ML Engineering: check https://github.com/fmind/mlops-python-package
  • AI Engineering: check https://github.com/callmesora/llmops-python-package
  • Quantum ML/AI: please check back later when I finish updating my Qiskit to > v1

I am an Asoociate Professor, researcher and lecturer at the Multisensory Experience Lab of the Aalborg University Copenhagen. I explore Sound and Music Computing, Embodied Interaction, Sound Synthesis and Audio Processing with Machine Learning for Extended Reality.

I have a PhD on acoustics and audio signal processing, with minor PhD studies Information Systems (Machine Learning) and general studies on Extended Reality. I have participated in national (Finland, Denmark, and Turkey) and international projects (EU Framework Programs 5-7, and Horizon programs). Between 2007 and 2012, I conducted independent research as an Academy Research Fellow on sonic interaction design (Schema-SID, #120583, Academy of Finland), together with the FP7 IC601 SID project on the same theme. During this period, I worked on the emerging theme of rhythmic interaction, with real-time probabilistic machine learning models.

I am insterested in Machine Learning Operations or MLOps, for short. With MLOps, I want to design, build and manage reproducible, testable, and evolvable ML-powered software that can work in real-time. I manage the Machine Learning Workstation with 3 Titan X GPUs at AAU-Copenhagen, and am an avid user of CLAAUDIA research data services and UCloud.

I am affiliated with the Pioneer Center for AI, served at Danish Data Science Academy as a mentor in 2023, serve in the steering commitee of Movement and Computing (MOCO) and in the program commitee of EAAI Mentored Undergraduate Research Challenge.